Connect WiFi on Google TV Streamer
Google TV Streamer is the latest offering from Google to stream your favourite content on bigger screen. Here’s the guide to easily connect WiFi with Google TV Streamer or change WiFi network. The guide will be helpful whether you are setting it up for the first time or switching to a new network, follow these straightforward steps.
Pre Requisites:
Step 3: Connecting Your Google TV Streamer to Wi-Fi
Troubleshooting Connection Issues
Why isn't my Google TV Streamer detecting my Wi-Fi network?
The possible causes could be WiFi Network is hidden, router is too far from the device or the router is powered off or experiencing issues. You should check all these issues.
How do I connect my Google TV Streamer to a hidden Wi-Fi network?
To connect m Google TV Streamer to a hidden WiFi network, the user should navigate to Settings > Network and Internet. Then scroll down and select Add a new network. Enter the SSID and password manually. Then hit the confirm button to connect to the network.
What should I do if my Google TV Streamer won't connect to Wi-Fi?
You can restart your router and Google TV Streamer, or ensure you're adding the correct password. Check if there are any software updates, then install those and try again.
How do I forget a Wi-Fi network on my Google TV Streamer?
You can easily forget the network by going to Settings > Network & Internet and select the WiFi network, and choose Forget Network.