Sony announced its new Bravia XR lineup with the cognitive processor XR. Moreover, the new series has a Google TV interface that was launched with the latest Chromecast back in September 2020. Sony Bravia XR lineup is the first that packs with Google TV interface. The new Sony Bravia XR TV lineup includes MASTER Series Z9J 8K LED, MASTER Series A90J and A80J OLED, and X95J and X90J 4K LED. All the sizes are listed below.
Talking about Cognitive Processor XR, It includes the new way of processing method that can replicate the way humans see and hear.
“Sony’s goal is to offer viewers the best and most immersive experience – authentically delivering the creator’s true intent, Our new BRAVIA CORE technology, and the XR lineup takes the industry to the next level with a powerful, cinematic experience, enabled by the world’s first TVs with cognitive processors.” –Says Mike Fasulo, president and chief operating officer of Sony Electronics, Inc.
Sony Bravia XR lineup packs Bravia Core, HDMI 2.1 support, Sound-from-picture reality, Hands-free voice function, Smart Speaker compatibility, Delivering the creator’s intent features. However, Sony is yet to announce the pricing and availability of its new Bravia XR lineup.
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