After waiting for over several months and rumors, Google is on the verge to launch an all-new Google Chrome cast aka “Sabrina” at the Launch Night In event. Google Pixel 5 smartphone, Nest Audio Smart speaker, and several other hardware products are slated for launch at the upcoming launch event. You can watch the live stream of the Google Chromecast launch event above.
The Livestream will begin at 11:00 AM PDT on 30 September 2020 at 2 pm ET. The Livestream commencing time around the globe is as follows:
Google is expected to launch an all-new Pixel 5 smartphone, Nest Audio Smart Speaker, and a Chromecast. The company’s launch event invites confirmed these new smart products.
Google TV with Chromecast (Sabrina)
After making appearances at different certifications, the new Chromecast is all set to compete against Xiaomi Mi TV Stick and other streaming devices.
This time Google will bring in Android TV experience along with Chromecast support. Moreover, there’s a dedicated remote for the devices for better control.
The launch is just a few hours away! We expect some more surprises from Google this time.
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