Google Chromecast will Support Aereo Live TV From May 29th


When the Google Chromecast was launched it was said by critics that no doubt it is cheaper but why we buy a product which  doesn’t have the support to the some major channels online. Which are available on other similar services. So it won’t be the case for much longer now. Starting on May 29, streaming television startup Aereo will release an updated version of its Android app that includes support for streaming live broadcast television shows to your Chromecast.

google chromecast will support aereo live tv from may 29th

The service is currently available in parts of New York, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Dallas, Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, San Antonio, and Austin for $8 a month, and the company is looking to further grow during 2014. To see if your city is on the list visit:

Aereo’s CEO Says :

We’re excited that Aereo will be Google Cast Ready this May. Consumers deserve more options and alternatives in how they watch television and our team is committed to providing consumers with the best experience possible using Aereo’s innovative cloud technology.




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