Qualcomm recently took the wraps off the Snapdragon X Elite chipset for the PC market/laptop market. After grabbing a chunk of the smartphone market, Qualcomm is set to start its voyage for the PC market with a more powerful Snapdragon X Elite. Featuring advanced AI capabilities, exceptional CPU performance, impressive energy efficiency, and long-enhanced efficiency, the Snapdragon X Elite could debt Chromebooks too.
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Folks at Chromeunboxed discovered new Qualcomm commits in the Chromium Repositories which points towards something new being cooked. However, there is scarce information available about the Qualcomm commits. But each commit carries changes in 3 files – layout.cof, make.defaults, and toolchain.conf.
From these, we conclude that new Chips and platforms are set to debut in the ChromiumOS. It is tough to conclude whether these commits are pointing toward Snapdragon X Elite or some other Qualcomm chipsets. Whatever Chipset comes, new Qualcomm processors are in for the ChroemOS.
We have to wait and watch to validate the information, but for now Snapdragon X Elite is the talk of the town with its highly impressive specifications.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm introduced the Snapdragon X Elite built on a 4nm process and bundles a 12-core Qualcomm Oryon CPU. It features the Dual-Core Boost feature for improved responsiveness and uses considerably less pwoer than Intel I9-13980HX. In the single-thread performance, it outpaces the Apple M2 Max with 30% less power consumption.
Further, it packs a powerful NPU that performs at blazing-fast speeds with its 13 billion parameters in LLM models.
Featuring the powerful SSnapdragon X Elite would significantly increase the cost of Chromebooks. However, we are not sure, take it as a grain of salt in the ocean full of rumors. Let’s wait for some time before unloading guns on the present information.
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