Google Chrome
Push Notifications comes to Google Chrome
Google gives the push messages support with the Chrome 42 beta comes with a Push API which allows site developers to send out messages...
Chrome OS
First Google Shop in London on Tottenham Court Road
Google has opened its first ever Gadget store in London and it offers the full range of Google Devices and products. The store, to be...
VidCast Streams Any Web Video To Your Chromecast
To watch a video from Youtube on your TV sets through Chromecast Google Chrome makes it very simple but when we want to watch...
Google Chrome
Google to Stop updating Chrome Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
Google's Internet Browser Chrome available for desktop, laptop and Smartphones. On Android devices Chrome has come in February 2012.But Now the next version of Chrome, 42,...
Google Chrome
How To Disable Third-Party Cookies In Google Chrome
Third-Party Cookies are the data which belongs to the websites which you are visiting but their origin is on another domain.Third-party cookies offer no...