Google Play allow Developers to use third-party billing in Australia, India, EEA countries, etc.


After a long wait, Google Play now allows non-gaming Developers to use the third-party user choice billing pilot in select markets. The select market includes Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, European Economic Area(EEA) countries i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

google play user choice billing

Earlier this year Google announced the additional billing options for South Korea and started with only Spotify. Now, all the non-gamer app developers are invited by Google to sign up for the new user choice billing pilot program. The program eligibility is your app must be a non-gaming app and you (the developer) must be a registered business. Talking about fees, Google will charge you service fees that is reduced to 4% if users use an alternate payment system. It will help small and mid-level developers to do more with their in-app purchases.

“Android has always been a uniquely open operating system, and we continue to evolve our platform and increase the choices available to developers and users while maintaining our ability to invest in the ecosystem. We will be sharing more in the coming months as we continue to build and iterate with our pilot partners,” – Says Google Spokesperson

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Google has targeted the major Android markets like India, Indonesia, etc. for this user choice billing. However, Google ignores Canada and the US Markets where Lawmakers are making rules to break the monopoly of Google and Apple on App Stores. We hope Google will soon bring user choice billing to all the developers over the globe.

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